Thursday, November 17, 2011

The project begins!

Last week I wrote that I would challenge myself to really uncover how I would like to earn my future living...this week I will begin the process of peelin' that onion! ....hmmm cheesy segway into my first thing that I would like my future to hold (looking for a better term than "thing")

For the past few years I have really immersed myself in agricultural issues. I have somewhere along the line been drawn towards the path from which both sides of my family stem - farming. While I was born into a farming family, we exchanged rural life for urban life when I was very young. I didn't grow up on the farm and am thus lacking a vast amount of farming skills and knowledge.

So why do I want to do something with farming if I don't know how to farm?

True, I have no idea how to run a tractor (though I am experienced at sleeping on the floor of one by dad's feet), but nor do I want to. I am looking at farming on a different scale; on a local, small, and urban scale. Backyard farming, community gardens, Small Plot INtensive (SPIN) farming, and permaculture.

I have always been really connected to my food. So understanding the system it comes from is important to me. While hot topics in agriculture are focussing on how to feed the world population, I believe we should also be focusing on how to feed the world WELL. It's about quality, and knowing where you food has been and how it has been produced (with love?!)

So there it is...something my future MUST contain is an active role in agriculture! While it may or may not become my professional role, I won't be satisfied with a life without it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Uhm, about this future business?!

**woops, computer problems = lack of blogging!**

Hi honeys!

Normally, the events of a week or two would not be very exciting; however, the past few weeks have been filled with pretty exciting opportunities, many changes, and some last-minute decisions ("Really Micki? That is so out of character though!")...I know. I know. 

Andrew is off to Italy tomorrow! As always, it is bitter-sweet. Very excited for this opportunity for him and so, sooo proud of him. He always works hard to get where he is going and I know Italy will be a fantastic journey for our boy Andy =)

The next few weeks will pass quickly enough for me as school finishes in three weeks and then final exams will take me through to mid-December until I make the journey home again (just in time for sugar cookies, ginger bread, my mom's spiced wine, and the traditional Scottish Christmas cake I am determined to make this year *help!*)!

My other update is about an opportunity that I have stumbled upon - I have applied to be a team member with the Global Youth Network on a social justice trip that will take me to Northern Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Western BC to live on First Nation reserves to better comprehend the social issues such communities face. In observing these situations I know I will be greatly affected and hope that it will provide me a better understanding for the problems that are present here, in Canada. While the GYN mainly targets 3rd world countries, I applied for the Canada trip as I have felt strongly that while international aid is important, we also need to focus on self-healing ( as I might put it if Canada were a person).

Good news came yesterday that I was selected for this team. It is going to be a lot of work, but good work!
I'm hopeful that these new changes will be directing me toward a more clear future - as I struggle at the mo to find myself in my future.

I know nobody ever knows exactly what their future will be....but I often feel many have a better sense of it than I do. It's been challenging for me to envision what my future looks like lately so I have designed an experiment: The next few blogs I am going to be writing about things that are important to me, things that I want my future to be comprised of! Perhaps from this, it will become more clear where I should be and what I should be working towards....and perhaps not, but at least I will have tried!

Your thoughts, wisdoms, and good vibes are always welcome. I hope you're all well =)

Lots of love xxx

P.S. In other news, tomorrow I am helping the Bee Farm on the Guelph Campus can their honey!!! A dream come true....mmmmm can't wait for some amazing local honey! <3