Friday, June 25, 2010

Green Up Your Mess Saskatoon!

For those of you who don't know...I am the spawn of the Recycling Queen. Considering my bloodline and background in environmental sciences, it should be no shock that I am advocating Saskatoon's move towards a curbside blue-box program. 

For a few years now there have been groups throughout Saskatoon pushing our slow-moving city council to jump on the municipal curbside compostable-plasic-bandwagon. I think they must have turned up their hearing-aid's because suddenly the city has released a survey to get public input on the options they have proposed for our landfill crisis and poor recycling habits!

Find the survey here:

Here's a debriefing for you - some necessary facts that the survey will also go though

Option 1 - everything remains the same - this means SARCAN is available and those who subscribe to curbside must pay $15/month with no subsidy. Currently we only recycle about 7000 tonnes of recyclables per year (not very much!!). Our landfill is expected to last only 2 more years on this system. 

Option 2 - subsidized curbside - a small subsidy will be provided for those who choose to subscribe to curbside (*the survey didn't explain but the subsidy will not be an additional tax it will be allocated from our current taxes) - this will boost our landfill life another 6 months (2.5 years) and divert an additional 3000 tonnes of recyclables. (estimate)

Option 3 - expanded recycling depots - they will basically be creating more SARCAN type places where you can take other glasses and plastics - this is a good move but also it is kind of a hassle as it adds one more stop on your already annoying SARCAN route. 

Option 4 - municipally regulated curbside pick-up - this is the most proactive option! Basically it would fully subsidize curbside and provide the service for everyone, diveret 19000 more tonnes (on top of our current 7000 tonnes) of recycling and give our landfill 6.5 more years! So if you don't want to see(or pay for) a second landfill in Saskatoon, and want to see our tax dollars going towards some great job creation and environmental services then let them know.   

Ok so there it is...and I'm sorry for my bias getting in the way...wait no I'm not...this is my blog and it's all about my biases right!? Muahahaha! 

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